Receive an Auditory Processing Disorder Test in Lancaster, PA 

a girl sitting in a soundproof button and wearing headphones

An auditory processing disorder (APD) is a condition that interferes with the way the brain processes sounds. Despite having normal hearing and intelligence, children and adults with an APD often struggle to recognize, comprehend, and distinguish spoken words. An APD is a hearing impairment—not a hearing loss—and it can only be diagnosed by a qualified audiologist. At Hearing Smile Professionals, we test for auditory processing disorders in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. 

What Is an Auditory Processing Disorder Test? 

An APD evaluation typically includes several tests to help the audiologist assess the patient’s auditory processing abilities. The testing process begins with an in-depth discussion and case history. Next, if a diagnostic evaluation is needed to confirm normal hearing sensitivity, the audiologist will utilize state-of-the-art techniques and technologies, including highly tuned and calibrated hearing instruments, in a soundproof room to check the patient’s ability to hear the pitch and loudness of various sounds. 

Depending on the patient’s age, needs, and other factors, an auditory processing disorder test can take up to two-to-three hours. Once the testing process is complete, the audiologist will interpret the results and provide tailored recommendations in a detailed report. 

Purpose & Importance of APD Testing 

APD testing plays a crucial role in identifying and understanding auditory processing difficulties that may not be apparent through standard hearing tests. Through a series of specialized tests and evaluations, APD testing helps differentiate auditory processing disorders from other hearing-related issues or cognitive conditions. This distinction is vital as it allows for targeted intervention strategies that are specifically tailored to address the unique needs of individuals with APDs.  

For children, early detection through APD testing can be particularly impactful, as it provides insights into potential barriers to academic success and social interaction. Likewise, for adults, APD testing can explain difficulties in professional settings, such as understanding conversations in noisy environments or following complex verbal instructions. 

Age-Specific Considerations in APD Testing 

Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) testing varies significantly depending on the age of the individual undergoing evaluation.  

Infants & Young Children 

For infants and young children, APD testing focuses on observing behavioral responses to sound stimuli. Techniques such as visual reinforcement audiometry or conditioned play audiometry are used to assess auditory processing abilities without requiring verbal responses.  

School-Aged Children & Adolescents 

APD testing for school-aged children and adolescents often involves a combination of behavioral testing and more complex auditory processing tasks. This may include assessments of speech perception in noise, auditory discrimination, and auditory memory.  


In adults, APD testing focuses on understanding how auditory processing difficulties affect daily communication and professional performance. Tests may include assessments of auditory sequencing, auditory closure, and temporal processing abilities.  

Allow Us to Help You Hear & Communicate Better 

Contact Hearing Smile Professionals today to request an APD test in Lancaster, PA. We offer a comprehensive assessment test for children with an auditory processing disorder, and we also perform auditory processing evaluations for adults. 

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