The Types of Auditory Processing Disorders We Treat in Lancaster, PA

An auditory processing disorder (APD) is a condition that affects the way the brain processes sounds. Many people who have an undiagnosed APD believe they have hearing loss, but that may not be the case. Instead, they may be hearing the sounds fine, but their brain is not processing the information correctly. Because an auditory processing disorder can cause learning difficulties and social challenges, an early diagnosis and treatment are important. If you suspect that you or a child you know has an APD, you can turn to Hearing Smile Professionals in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

The Four Types of Auditory Processing Disorders

At Hearing Smile Professionals, we diagnose, treat, and monitor auditory processing disorders using the Buffalo model, an approach to APD therapy that breaks down the disorder into four categories: decoding, integration, organization, and tolerance fading memory (other approaches include the Bellis/Ferre model and the spoken language processing model). After confirming an auditory process disorder diagnosis, an audiologist at Hearing Smile Professionals will further evaluate the APD to determine its type. Each type of APD has specific characteristics and management strategies, and some people have more than one. The different types of auditory processing disorders include:


This type of auditory processing disorder is based on the Buffalo model’s decoding category, which focuses on phonemic awareness. When someone has this type of APD, they find it difficult to accurately and quickly process speech at the phonemic level, often causing them to mishear speech without realizing it. They may be unable to distinguish similar sounds or keep up with conversations, especially in the presence of background noise.


An individual with prosodic APD may have trouble understanding the nonverbal aspects of communication, such as pitch, tone, emphasis, inflection, and implied meaning. They may also speak in monotone and struggle to understand cause and effect.


This type of auditory processing disorder finds its roots in the Buffalo model’s integration category, which centers on an individual’s ability to simultaneously receive auditory and visual information. An individual with integration deficits may be unable to multitask while listening, such as taking notes while attending a lecture or having a conversation while typing. They may also have difficulty synthesizing information so it can be utilized.


Organizational deficits, which are based on the Buffalo model’s organization category, occur when someone struggles with executive function and social communication skills. This type of auditory processing disorder can result in disorganized thinking and sequencing errors. For instance, an individual with organizational processing issues may have difficulty remembering categories of information, especially if it must be recalled in a specific sequence. This can make it especially challenging to follow long or multistep directions. They may also struggle to find the correct words when engaging in a conversation.

Diagnostic Criteria & Assessment Methods

Hearing Smile Professionals is equipped to accurately diagnose various types of Auditory Processing Disorders (APDs) through specialized assessment techniques and diagnostic criteria. This includes specialized auditory processing tests such as speech-in-noise testing, dichotic listening tests, and temporal processing assessments. Behavioral observations during these tests provide insights into how individuals process auditory information in various contexts.

Additionally, thorough case history interviews with patients and caregivers help audiologists gather essential information about developmental milestones, educational history, and behavioral concerns. By integrating these methods, we aim to accurately diagnose and differentiate between APD subtypes, facilitating targeted interventions and support for improved auditory processing abilities.

Overlap & Co-occurrence of APD Types

Auditory Processing Disorders can often present with overlapping symptoms or co-occur with multiple subtypes within individuals. At Hearing Smile Professionals, we recognize the complexity of auditory processing difficulties, which may involve deficits in various areas such as auditory discrimination, temporal processing, and auditory sequencing. It is not uncommon for individuals to exhibit symptoms that span different APD categories, making accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment crucial.

Our approach emphasizes comprehensive assessment methods that account for potential overlap and co-occurrence of APD types. By conducting specialized auditory processing tests, behavioral observations, and detailed case history interviews, we aim to identify and differentiate between overlapping deficits effectively.

Learn More About the Various Types of Auditory Processing Disorders

If you have questions about the different types of auditory processing disorders, contact Hearing Smile Professionals today to request a consultation with an audiologist in Lancaster, PA. We proudly provide advanced, specialized care for all types of APDs, and we’ll be happy to schedule an auditory training evaluation at a date and time that fits into your schedule. During your appointment, we’ll ask you about any issues that you’ve been experiencing—as well as any treatments you’ve attempted to date—and we’ll also perform auditory testing. Based on this evaluation, we’ll determine whether you have one or more of the APD types described above, and if you do, we’ll develop a customized treatment plan.

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