Adult & Pediatric Audiologists Practicing Near Wilmington, DE

Is your child having trouble keeping up in the classroom? Do you often have to ask others to repeat themselves? If so, you might automatically think the problem is hearing loss, and you could be right. But there is another possible cause that you may not have considered: An auditory processing disorder (APD) may be affecting your speech comprehension. APDs interfere with the ear-to-brain connection; even though your ears hear sounds, your brain may not be receiving or processing those sounds correctly. This can lead to misunderstanding, frustration, and learning difficulties.

The audiology doctors at Hearing Smile Professionals perform comprehensive hearing tests as well as specialized auditory processing disorder evaluations near Wilmington, Delaware. Although the latter is primarily a pediatric specialty, we know that APDs can and do affect adults, and we help patients of all ages hear and communicate to the best of their ability.

Evaluating Your Hearing Loss

During your initial consultation at Hearing Smile Professionals, you will meet with an experienced pediatric or adult audiologist who will ask about your (or your child’s) medical history and communication challenges, as well as any steps you may be already taken to address them. For instance, you may have had your hearing tested or taken your child to see a learning disability specialist. If so, be sure to share that information with us.

Next, your audiologist will perform comprehensive APD testing, which involves a battery of listening tests to help us evaluate the function of different areas of your auditory system. The process can take up to several hours, and you can take breaks whenever you need to. Afterward, your audiologist will interpret the results and prepare a detailed report to review with you.

Get Ready to Experience Life by Hearing Smiles

Although auditory processing disorders cannot be cured, specialized treatment can greatly improve your ability to communicate and your overall quality of life. For instance, you may benefit from a customized APD therapy plan that incorporates speech therapy, environmental modifications, compensation strategies, and/or auditory training.

If you would like to schedule a consultation with an adult or pediatric audiologist near Wilmington, DE, contact Hearing Smile Professionals today.

“Every experience I've had, from start to finish has been a positive one. You have all gone over the top to make this experience kind, positive, and enjoyable… thank you, you are very much appreciated. ”

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“When I met Dr. Elliot, she was really helpful and she gave me all kinds of tips and she gave me hearing devices that have helped me in school and upped my grades… I’m getting work done faster and it’s not that hard to focus and it’s easier to do work…. [Therapy] has helped me a lot with my memory and doing stuff in life and school... It’s hard at the beginning, and it’s a long drive but it pays off in the end.”

“Every experience I've had, from start to finish has been a positive one. You have all gone over the top to make this experience kind, positive, and enjoyable… thank you, you are very much appreciated. ”

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