The Latest Cochlear Implants Are Available Near York, PA

The audiology doctors at Hearing Smile Professionals near York, Pennsylvania, offer highly effective treatment options for hearing loss, including cochlear implants. These innovative devices can be life-changing for those who have moderate to profound hearing loss and do not benefit from wearing traditional hearing aids.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Cochlear Implants?

Cochlear implants may be appropriate for an individual who has sensorineural hearing loss, which stems from an issue in the inner ear. This type of hearing impairment can occur if some of the tiny sensory hair cells in the cochlea become damaged through trauma, infection, or noise exposure.

In some cases, hearing aids can provide sufficient sound amplification to counteract the damage, but if the damage is too severe or the auditory nerve itself is damaged, no amount of amplification will help. Cochlear implants address these issues by bypassing the damaged parts of the inner ear and directly stimulating the auditory nerve with electrical signals. The signals are then transmitted to the brain, which interprets them as sounds.

Another important factor to consider when evaluating the suitability of cochlear implants is the ability to distinguish and understand spoken words. Many people learn to compensate for their diminished speech understanding by relying on contextual and nonverbal clues, often without even realizing it. But the effort required to offset this degree of hearing loss can quickly cause fatigue and lead to social withdrawal and depression. Cochlear implants can open up a whole new world.

Benefit From Our Comprehensive Audiology Assessment

If you are wondering whether cochlear implants are right for you, the audiology doctors at Hearing Smile Professionals can help you decide. We will begin by testing your ability to hear and understand spoken words and other sounds, both with and without amplification. We may also assess your balance and order imaging scans to confirm that your ear anatomy is compatible with cochlear implantation.

You don’t have to struggle with hearing loss. If you would like to hear to the best of your ability, the team at Hearing Smile Professionals is ready to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our office near York, PA.

“When I met Dr. Elliot, she was really helpful and she gave me all kinds of tips and she gave me hearing devices that have helped me in school and upped my grades… I’m getting work done faster and it’s not that hard to focus and it’s easier to do work…. [Therapy] has helped me a lot with my memory and doing stuff in life and school... It’s hard at the beginning, and it’s a long drive but it pays off in the end.”

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“Every experience I've had, from start to finish has been a positive one. You have all gone over the top to make this experience kind, positive, and enjoyable… thank you, you are very much appreciated. ”

“When I met Dr. Elliot, she was really helpful and she gave me all kinds of tips and she gave me hearing devices that have helped me in school and upped my grades… I’m getting work done faster and it’s not that hard to focus and it’s easier to do work…. [Therapy] has helped me a lot with my memory and doing stuff in life and school... It’s hard at the beginning, and it’s a long drive but it pays off in the end.”

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